Greetings, Habana Port football fans! With the NFL lockout finally done and pre-season games in full swing, Habana Port would like to invite you to join our inaugural Fantasy Football League.
Even you have never participated in a fantasy football league, don't worry. We'll be glad to take your money. Seriously though, you don't have to be a football guru to pick the great players. Yahoo's FFL Interface makes it easy with a few clicks to become a great team manager. Take a look at the details and let us know if you are interested in paying the fee and joining us in some good rivalry and smokes! Hurry though as there are only 14 spots!
$75 entry fee buys you a team in the shop league and gets you a chance to win the following:
1st Place: $625 in store credit & Engraved Team Plaque to be permanently displayed in the shop
2nd Place: $150 in store credit
3rd Place: $75 in store credit
Bonus: Every week (except during playoffs), the team with the highest score will win a store prize whether it is a cigar, a Xikar accessory or other shop goodie.
Draft Date: Sunday, September 4, 2011 at 1 PM CST (online)
To join our League, call us at 985-809-1818 during store hours or email us at info@habanaport.com and we will walk you through payment and log-in details.
Until the next post, siempre fumando,
-The Commish, Habana Port